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Band Together for that Summer Body

Working out is not just physical, it's mental too. It's a way to let go of built up stress because during your exercises your body releases endorphins, which in return triggers a positive feeling in the body. We can all agree that we like to feel good but what we like even more than feeling good, is LOOKING better!

Every New Year we all set a resolution to either eat healthier, sign up for that new gym membership, make better self-care choices so that in return we can loose that that extra body weight, put on muscle, have clear skin or to just feel sexy and confident in our own bodies. We know what our end goal is but we don't always know where or how to start.

Life can get busy and our days pass us by but putting ourselves and our health first should always be priority. I know that we can't always make it to the gym or maybe our finances don't allow us to commit to a membership but fitting in a daily 30-minute work out can be done anywhere! My preferred work outs to do at home and outdoors are my resistant band circuits. All you need is your body, bands, indoor or outdoor space and you're ready to get going!

Below I have written out one of my circuit training work outs that is guaranteed to get your heart rate up and closer to your health goals.

Upper Body:

Curl Your Biceps- sit down, straight back.

Bring the band up one leg all the way to mid thigh (like you're putting on pants in one leg). With the same side arm, grab the band and make a 90 degree angle with your elbow touching the side of your body. Curl up and when you bring it down do not go passed the 90 degree angle.

3 sets of 12, alternate arms between sets

Hold the Box- shoulders down and chin straight on, arms at shoulder height

Place your hands in the bands with your palms facing each other. Keep the band expanded and pulse out.

3 sets of 45 pulses

Feel the Tricep-

With both hands in the band, bring up over your head and reach down behind your neck. Hold one side with a fist behind your neck, with the opposite arm stretch up above your head working out your tricep muscle.

3 sets of 15, alternate arms between sets

Lower Body:

Upper Glute- place the band below your knees and get into a high plank position, hips aligned with shoulders

One leg at a time kick up and tab your toe on the floor when you bring it down then kick as high as you can without dropping or raising your hips.

3 sets of 15 each leg; alternate between sets

Side Glutes- get onto your knees and palms. Align your shoulders, knees and hands.

Lift your knee to meet shoulder height keeping a 90 degree angle in your legs.

3 sets of 15 each for each leg; alternate between sets

Drop It Like it's HOT-

Get into a squat position with your weight on your heels and butt pushed back. Separate your knees and then bring back to starting position.

3 sets of 15

Jump for the Butt-

Drop into a squat and on your way up jump high spreading your legs apart to feel the resistance in the bands.

1 minute jumping, 20 second break in between sets; 5 sets


Crunch Band- lie on your back; knees shoulder distance apart; feet pushing into the ground. Place the band between your hands and raise them high over your shoulders keeping your shoulders wide. Crunch up into a seated position.

3 sets of 15

5 Minute ABS-

Start in a high plank position with a slight bend in your elbows.

30secs: stay in start position

30ses: without dropping, switch to your left side keeping your right hip high

30ses: without dropping, switch to your righty side keeping your left hip high

30secs: back to starting position. Crunch and alternate left knee to right elbow then right knee to left elbow

30secs: without dropping, switch to your left side and pulse from the ground to your highest point.

30secs: without dropping, switch to your right side and pulse from the ground to your highest point.

30secs: back to starting position; jump your legs out and in

30ecs: without dropping, switch to your left side and reach down through the back of your left arm tapping your right backhand to your left tricep then back up.

30secs: without dropping, switch to your right side and reach down through the back of your right arm tapping your left backhand to your right tricep then back up.

30 secs: back to starting position come down to your forearms alternate hips to tap the ground.


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